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putting out fire with gasoline, 2018, oil and tempera on canvas, 240 x 300 cm
late arrivals at desert hotel, 2018, oil and tempera on canvas, 250 x 300 cm
tilting at windmills, 2018, oil and tempera on canvas, 200 x 240 cm
high and dry, 2018, oil, tempera and oil crayon on canvas, 180 x 240 cm
xibu, 2018, oil crayon and tempera on canvas, 240 x 180 cm
valentin (venus as a boy), 2018, oil and tempera on canvas, 240 x 170 cm
mrs sandman, 2018, oil, tempera and oil crayon on canvas, 200 x 240 cm
aftermath, 2018, oil and tempera on canvas, 240 x 170 cm
but for me she would make an exception, 2018, oil and tempera on canvas, 170 x 240 cm